Distance Learning (E-Learning)

Technical University of Moldova organizes distance learning (e-learning) according to the Education Law no. 547 adopted on 21.07.95, republished with subsequent amendments and additions and the Government Decision on the National Strategy for Information Society Development – “Electronic Moldova” Nr. 255 of 09.03.2005 lead by the Senate, according to university Charter

Distance learning is a teaching-learning process organized by an institution, providing material through media in a sequential and logical order to be acquired by students in their own way, without obliging the agents (the students) to co-presence or synchronicity.

The mediated material is provided through various means, from printed material (delivered by mail), the audio and video technology to New Technologies of Information and Communication (N.T.I.C.).

The mission of distance learning is to ensure the continuity of professional training in today’s active life style and to develop the action competence of graduates in the fields of engineering.

The University Senate approved, in general, the organization and conduct of distance learning at TUM. Basically, distance education is conducted in the following manner:

  1. The curriculum offered for distance learning (e-learning) for each specialization corresponds entirely to the curriculum approved for the full-time education;
  2. The same system of credits is applied to both, full-time education and distance learning (e-learning);
  3. Evaluation of distance learning (e-learning) studies at TUM is done in the same way as it is done for full-time education, in the form of exam, test, and assessment during the semester. Also, the ongoing assessment and evaluation can be done by mail, provided that the form in which issues are set, allows objective assessment of the student’s own achievement. (performance);
  4. Diplomas and certificates released to graduates of distance learning (e-learning) education are identical to graduates of full-time education.

TUM introduced distance learning gradually during 3 academic years, beginning with the academic year of 2008-2009.

Should any questions occur, please find more information about distance learning education by accessing:  crunt.utm.md