Part-Time Studies

Alongside with full-time studies, TUM offers its students the possibility of Part-Time studies, known as well as “studies through correspondence”. This form of education, with reduced attendance at lessons, represents the education with the curriculum of full-time studies, where all activities according to the plan and syllabus of full-time education, like lectures, seminars, tutorials, laboratory work, internships and other academic activities are being fully completed.

Students study all the subjects and material of the curriculum of full-time education, with the exception of the discipline of “Physical Education”.

Compared with full-time education, studies (in classroom) in part-time education of all subjects and all activities are reduced, but individual study time is increased. This gives students the opportunity to have part-time or full-time employment. For people who combine work with part-time studies, the state offers some facilities established in the Labour Code and Government Decree of Republic of Moldova.

Within part-time studies levels of education and specialities are determined by law.

Additional information regarding the organization of the educational process of Part-Time Education at TUM can be found by accessing: