Technical University of Moldova (TUM) is the only higher technical educational institution, accredited by the State in Moldova Republic. Since its establishment in 1964 until now, it has trained about 78 387 engineers and economists.
At TUM the studies are organized within 9 faculties: “Energetics and Electrical Engineering”; “Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, and Transport”; “Computers, Informatics and Microelectronics”; “Engineering and Management in Electronics and Telecommunications” “Technology and Management in Food Industry”; “Light industry”; “Cadastre, Geodesy and Construction”; “Urbanism and Architecture”; “Economic Engineering and Business”. Within the ‘Faculty of Engineering and Management in Machine Building «there activates the Technical College.
About 733 teachers, two thirds of them with scientific and didactic title of «academician», «university professor», «associate professor «,» doctor habilitate, «doctor in science», ensure training of those about 9520 students from full-time and reduced attendance sections.
The University offers courses in 60 specialties and specializations for the I cycle, 43 specialties for masters and 45 specialties for doctorate, covering the needs of the national economy in preparing engineers.
At TUM, studies are organized under the European System of Transferable Academic Credits (ESTC). The ESTC facilitates mobility of students and young professionals in the European area with recognition of diplomas.
To cope with the demands of the market economy, it has been modified the concept of training engineers by completing the list of subjects relating to engineering specialty itself with a series of economic-managerial disciplines. For this purpose, a number of international languages are studied (English, French or German). The disciplines of economic and managerial nature will help the engineer in future to initiate himself a proper business. Of those over 60 thousand of businessmen, working in Chisinau, about 75 percent are graduates from TUM.
At TUM activate branches of special groups with teaching of all the subjects in one of modern languages. At the “Faculty of Computers, Informatics and Microelectronics” they have the Francophone Branch “Informatics” and the Anglophone Branch “Computer Sciences and Electronics”. At the “Faculty of Engineering and Management in the Food Industry», it activates the Francophone Branch “Food Technologies”.
Students from these branches do linguistic and specialized internships in USA, France, Canada, Germany etc. Many of them write their license theses and the best students follow the master or doctorate courses in those countries.
The TUM students do their internships at companies of the country (private and state), with which the university has contracts based on mutual interest. Every year, hundreds of students from TUM do their internships in other countries, with which TUM maintains Scientific and Didactic links: Romania, Russia, Ukraine, France, Italy, Germany, USA, Canada, England, Czech Republic, Turkey Belgium, Slovakia etc.
To scientific researchers at TUM is given a special attention, they being an essential component of education. Students actively participate in the research process, which leads to raising their level of professional training. University, as a rule, wins the first places in the exhibitions “Infoinvent” held annually in Moldova and international exhibitions. In the last years, TUM has won over 30 gold medals, silver and bronze medals and a large number of honorable mentions.
TUM cooperates with more than 75 universities and scientific centers from different countries. Here are held international scientific conferences and symposiums.
TUM is a member of Black Sea Region Universities Network, which includes 11 countries of the Regional Economic Cooperation. Thus, TUM fits into a university area, which will become the part of the unique university area of Europe.
The university life includes, of course, other aspects as well – sports, amateur artistic activities, etc. Sport plays a significant role in the university. Factors contributing to the development of sport are improving from year to year: there are built modern stadiums and gyms; specialists in the field train students. TUM participates in all the 18 sports of the republican students where they win the first places. At TUM there are artistic groups of music and folk dance. University Fanfare is on the second place being preceded by the Presidential Fanfare of Moldova.
We can conclude that, in the 4-5 years of studies at TUM, the studious youth is formed civic and professionally at the highest requirements. TUM graduates successfully work in various branches of the national economy, contributing significantly to the formation of new intellectuality of the Republic of Moldova and the completing the leading structures of our young state.