Cycle I Studies, License

According to the Organic Law for modification and supplementing the Education Law no.547-XIII of 21 July 1995, from 1 September 2008, TUM organizes the training process in two cycles:  Cycle I, License, through two types of studies: full-time studies and part-time studies, according to the Nomenclature of the educational programmes and specialities for the Cycle I of Higher education level approved by Law no. 142-XVI of 7 July 2005 and subsequently completed with some specialties and Master Degree Studies, Cycle II.

Studies at Technical University finalize with a License exam, which consists of two exams in theory and an exam on the presentation of the project, t. i. of the License thesis. The graduates are awarded the degree of Licensed Engineer in “Engineering and engineering related activities” and training in 22 domains of professional qualification and are given License Diplomas.

The graduates of specialties in Marketing and Logistics, Business and Management, Accounting, Law, Computer Science, Information Management are conferred the title of “Licensed”.

The graduates of the faculty of Architecture are given diplomas of integrated studies (BA and MA) and conferred the title of “Architect”.