Administrative Board

The Administrative Board, subordinated to the Senate, ensures operative management of the university.

Administrative Board is established under the Education Law, the Standard Statute of Higher university education institution from Moldova developed by the Ministry of Education and Youth of Moldova and the of TUM University Charter.


Viorel BostanPresident of the Administrative Board, Rector, University Professor, Doctor habilitate[email protected]
Vladislav ResitcaVice President of the Administrative Board, Vice-Rector for Didactic Activity, Associate professor, Ph.D. in technical sciences[email protected]
Vasile TronciuVice Rector on Research and Doctorate, University Professor, Doctor habilitate[email protected]
Daniela PojarVice Rector on Financial Problems and International Relations[email protected]
Dinu Turcanu Vice-Rector for Digitalization, Associate professor, PhD[email protected]
Nina SavaDean of Faculty Electronics and Telecommunications, Associate professor, PhD[email protected]
Dumitru BragaDean of Faculty Energetics and Electrical Engineering, PhD [email protected]
Dumitru CiorbaDean of Faculty Computers, Informatics and Microelectronics, Associate professor, PhD [email protected]
Iurie Subotin Dean of the Faculty of Food Technology, Associate professor, PhD[email protected]
Sergiu DantuDean of the Faculty Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, and Transport, Associate professor, PhD[email protected]
Olga HareaDean of Faculty Urbanism and Architecture, Associate professor, PhD[email protected]
Livia Nistor-LopatencoDean of Faculty Constructions, Geodesy and Cadastre, Associate professor, PhD[email protected]
Rafael CilociDean of Faculty Economic Engineering and Business, Associate professor, PhD[email protected]
Sergiu TronciuDean of Faculty of Design, Associate professor, PhD[email protected]
Sergiu PopaDean of the Faculty of Agricultural, Forestry and Environmental Sciences, Associate professor, PhD[email protected]
Mihail PopoviciDean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Associate professor, PhD[email protected]
Liliana CepoiDirector of the Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnologies, associate sercetator, PhD[email protected]
Mihai TîrsuDirector of the Institute of Energy, associate sercetator, PhD[email protected]
Lidia GhimpuDirector of the Institute of Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnology, associate sercetator, PhD[email protected]
Spiridon RusuScientific Secretary of the Senate, Associate professor, PhD[email protected]
Radu MelnicDirector of the UTM College[email protected]
Nicoale RusuPresident of the Student Senate[email protected]
Irina TutunaruSecretary of the Administrative Board, head of the Academic Management and Quality Assurance Directorate, Associate professor, PhD[email protected]
Viorica UrsuPresident of the Trade Union Organization of TUM Employers[email protected]
Rodica SiminiucHead of Doctoral and Postdoctoral Direction[email protected]
Anatol AlexeiPresident of the Trade Union Committee, students[email protected]
Dorin TromifmciucHead of the Technical Department[email protected]

Secretary of the Administrative Board Assoc. Prof., Dr. Stela Balan. Administrative Board gathers in regular session twice a month in the composition of the permanent members (nr. 1-19).  Invited members of the Administrative Board (nr. 20-34) will be invited to participate in the Board meetings with corresponding topics to the job description.