On October 9th, 2020, the closing meeting of the project Elevate – Elevating the Internationalization of Higher Education in Moldova (573921-EPP-1-2016-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP) took place, in which UTM is a partner.
The Elevate project was launched in October 2016, for a period of 3 years. In 2019 it was extended for another year in order to consolidate the results obtained. The basic objective – to develop and implement national and institutional strategies, policies and measures, to ensure a systematic and strategic long-term approach to the internationalization of higher education and research, to facilitate international relations between Moldovan universities and to raise the quality and purpose of partnerships established under the EHEA and the ERA. In order to achieve the fundamental objective, the activities were grouped into 7 work packages related to the specific objectives of the project:
- Development and advancement of national legislation, which will support the process of internationalization of higher education and research in Moldova;
- Creation of the university integration function through institutional policies for the internationalization of education, research, mobility and services;
- Strengthening institutional capacities for effective participation in large-scale international collaborations.
During the project, UTM – partner of the project, participated in carrying out all planned activities: conducting internal questionnaires and analyzing the results. As a member of the working team, the University participated in the development of state policies in the field of SO internationalization, developed its function of international integration by establishing the institutional strategy of internationalization and the action plans to achieve it, as well as action plans related to the integration in the European research area, elaboration of new institutional normative acts and updating of existing ones with reference to internationalization, developed double degree study programs, participated in the management of the project in accordance with the established responsibilities. The UTM team participated in study visits in European universities, learning from the experience of European partners.
In the closing meeting, Olesea Sîrbu, vice-rector for internationalization of ASEM, mentioned that Elevate was a project managed entirely by a higher education institution from Moldova, ASEM being the grand-holder of the project. The meeting involved the review of the achievements of the project, the challenges and actions taken to overcome the challenges, words of gratitude for all partners involved and for their contribution to the project, as well as the support provided by partner universities in the European Union.
The closing meeting was attended by Larisa Bugaian, vice-rector for Financial Affairs and International Relations, and Carolina Timco, head of the International Relations Service. Ms. Larisa Bugaian, project coordinator from UTM, spoke about the project’s contribution to university internationalization, highlighting the opportunity to learn from the experience of European universities, to adjust the regulatory framework to current realities and to ensure the continuity of internationalization processes that already existed before the launch of the project.
On a final note, the partners discussed topics related to the successful completion of the project and ensuring its sustainability.
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The Elevate project is funded by the EU through the Erasmus + program. More information about ELEVATE can be found on http://elevate-project.md/ și https://www.facebook.com/elevatemoldova/ , as well as on the ELEVATE page of UTM https://proiecte.utm.md/elevate/
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