Scientific Research Management Direction
Head of direction
Address: 168, Stefan cel Mare bd., of. 1-317
Tel: +373 22 23-53-05
E-mail: [email protected]
Research and innovation at the Technical University of Moldova is coordinated by the Scientific Research Management Direction – subdivision that ensures the management of scientific research activities and technological development being subordinated vice rector for research and doctoral studies. The Direction is responsible for managing and monitoring of national and international research projects, innovation and technological transfer projects, the establishment of new research structures. Direction provides the necessary support in applying for national/international financing, including organizing seminars and scientific conferences, congresses, national and international exhibitions. A special place is held to the organization of Technical and Scientific Annual Conference of the collaborators, PhD students and TUM students. Yearly are edited three volumes of works presented at the TUM conference. Scientific Investigations Direction ensures the internal assessment of scientific performance of the research staff and is responsible for the relationship with the structures of evaluation / accreditation of the research activities at TUM.
The basic objectives of researches at TUM are: ensuring a high level of engineering staff training, training of highly qualified scientific staff through doctoral and postdoctoral studies, providing a scientific support for the national economy, realization of state programs in the corresponding areas. The scheme of organization of researches at TUM includes the following units: Direction of Scientific Investigations, 9 faculties, University departments, laboratories and research centers.
In the field of science and innovation, Technical University of Moldova was accredited by the State according to the Code on Science and Innovation of the Republic of Moldova. According to the Decision of the Commission for Accreditation of the National Council for Accreditation and Attestation No. AC-4/1/2012, Technical University was accredited as an organization in the field of science and innovation with the highest grade – “Organization with international recognition” (category A) within four profiles of scientific research:
- „Mechanical and Energetic Engineering„ (performance assessment” very good”);
- „Electronics, Informatics and Communications” (performance assessment” very good”);
- „Civil Engineering, Economics and Management” performance assessment “good”);
- „Technological processes in food and light industry” performance assessment” good”).
Based on these profiles at TUM’s faculties were created scientific Centers of Research and Development and Technological Transfer with the same denomination:
- The Research Center (profile) “Mechanical and Energetic Engineering ” was formed based on the research teams of the departments of the Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, and Transport and the Faculty of Energetics and Electrical Engineering.
- The Research Center (profile) „Electronics, Informatics and Communications” unites research groups of the Faculty of Computers, Informatics and Microelectronics and the Faculty of Engineering and Management in Electronics and Telecommunications, the National Centre for Materials Study and Testing, and the Laboratory of Micro – Optoelectronics.
- The Research Center (profile) “Civil Engineering, Economics and Management” includes research teams of three faculties: Faculty of Cadastre, Geodesy and Construction, Faculty of Urbanism and Architecture, Faculty of Economic Engineering and Business.
- The Research Center (profile) “Technological Processes in food and light industry” has been formed based on the research teams of the departments of two technological faculties: Faculty of Technology and Management in Food Industry and the Faculty of Light Industry.
Scientific Investigations Direction manages the performance of contracts within the research themes developed at four research centers accredited by the state through: institutional projects; projects under state programs; bilateral projects; international grants; innovation and technological transfer projects; projects for young researchers; equipment purchasing projects; projects for conferences funding; contracts of providing technical and scientific services. The teams of the accredited Research Centers carry out research and innovation activities on strategic directions. By the Parliament Decision of Moldova Republic nr. 150 of June 14, 2013 there were approved strategic directions of activity in the shere of science and innovation for the years 2013-2020 as follows:
- Materials, technologies and innovative products;
- Energy efficiency and use of renewable sources of energy;
- Health and Biomedicine;
- Biotechnology;
- National heritage and society development.
Within the TUM there were founded and activate the following laboratories and national research centers:
Micro-Optoelectronics Laboratory (founded in 1971); National Center for Materials Study (founded in 2002), National Center for Spatial Technologies (founded in 2011).
Over the years there have been established: The Scientific Center for Training and Technological Transfer in Food Industry; Interdepartmental Scientific Research Laboratory “Semiconductor Structures of Reduced Dimensions”; Nanoelectronics Center; University Center “ENERGIE PLUS”; Microproduction and Training Center “Tehnofrig”; Center of “Modern Technologies for Studies and Research”; Testing and Research Center “TEHNOCOM”; Centre-exhibition of Materials and Technologies in Construction “EXCOTEH”; Center of Testing and Research buildings and construction materials; Scientific-Technological Association “NanoTeh”; Laboratory of Simulations and Computer Modeling; Technical Creativity Center; Laboratory of Tests of Mechanical Transmissions; Laboratory of Research and Development in Computer Engineering etc.
Technical University possesses an experimental basis – Center of Technical and Scientific Researches and Advanced Technologies Implementation in the National Economy “ETALON” which has a special status and is at self-management and self-financing.
A factor of integration of research and technological transfer is the Innovation Incubator “POLITEHNICA”. The incubator “POLITEHNICA” was created based on the Partnership Agreement between the Government and the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, being managed by the Technical University of Moldova. The incubator operates based on the Decision of the Supreme Council for Science and Technological Development nr. 57 of 24 March 2011, the Code on Science and Innovation of Moldova Republic; the Law on the Scientific-Technological Parks and Innovation Incubators nr. 138-XVI of 21.06.2007 and other normative acts. The Innovation Incubator “POLITEHNICA” is framed in the Research and Development Structure of TUM, being located territorially at the experimental plant “Etalon”. The Scientific Investigations Direction supports the presentation of the achievements of TUM researchers at Prestigious Salons for Research, Innovation and Technological Transfer. The obtained scientific results have been presented at more than 100 salons, where they were appreciated with over 200 gold, silver and bronze medals, over 40 special prizes and personal awards. The first participations in the International Salons recognized were: Salon of Scientific Research, Innovation and Technological Transfer INVENTICA in Iasi (1992-present); World Salon of Research, Innovation and Technological Transfer EUREKA, Brussels (1994); Aerospace Salon “Le Bourget” France (1998); Salons in Geneva (1999), INPEX, Pitsburgh, USA (1999); Kasablanca, Morocco (1998); INFOINVENT, Chisinau (1999-present); Inventica, Bucharest (2006-present); EcoInvent (2003-2009); PROINVENT, Cluj Napoca (2007 to present); EUROINVENT Iasi (2009-present); Arhimed, Moscow (2009-present); New Times, Sevastopol (2008-2013); IWIS, Warsaw (2012-present); INOVA, Zagreb (2013-present); SzhouShou, China (2012), World Exhibitions in Hanover (2006) and Stuttgart (2014) etc.
An important role has the support of patenting and publication of scientific results. On 9 February 1995 it was founded the journal of technical scientific and applied publications ” Engineering Meridian “. Founders: Technical University of Moldova and the Moldovan Association of Engineers. During the whole period the journal is edited by univ. prof., dr.hab. Valeriu DULGHERU, being published 4 times a year with a circulation of 100 copies. Over the years there were printed dozens of issues of the journal “Engineering Meridian” that included hundreds of articles covering a wide range of engineering fields. Most published scientific articles were submitted by institutions in Republic of Moldova and Romania, but also from Canada, Ukraine, Israel, Germany, USA, Syria, etc.
The Scientific Research Management Direction ensures the management of of scientific research activities and technological development through a section and five services:
- Finance Department in Science and Innovation
- Human Resources and Personal Scientific Staff Expenditures Accounting Service
- Accountancy Recording and Scientific Financial Reports Service
- Procurement within Scientific Projects Recording Service
- Exhibitions and Scientific Events Service
- Scientific Results Registration and Monitoring Service
The Scientific Research Management Direction staff consists of titular employees (scientific researchers, engineers, technicians) and scientific-didactical staff from departments/sections, laboratories and TUM research centers carrying out part time research activities.
The staff of the Directorate is approved on as established by legislation in force.
Direction is led by the head of the Direction, who has in subordination a deputy head and head of department.
Head of the Office: Eduard MONAICO
Work program: Monday-Friday, 800-1700
Address: 168, Stefan cel Mare bd., of. 1-317
Tel: +373 22 23-53-05
E-mail: [email protected]
Deputy Head: Victoria IOVU
Work program: Monday-Friday, 800-1700
Address: 168, Stefan cel Mare bd., of. 1-301
Tel: +373 22 23-54-04
Fax: +373 22 23-54-04
E-mail: [email protected]
Head of the Department: Elena GÎRLEA
Work program: Monday-Friday, 800-1700
Address: 168, Stefan cel Mare bd., of. 1-301
Tel: +373 22 23-54-04
Fax: +373 22 23-54-04
E-mail: [email protected]
Engineer Coordinator: Natalia GUDIMA
Work program: Monday-Friday, 800-1700
Address: 168, Stefan cel Mare bd., of. 1-312
Tel: +373 22 23-54-05
Fax: +373 22 23-54-05
E-mail: [email protected]