Public Relations and Image Promotion Service

The main mission of the Public Relations and Image Promotion Service is to establish and maintain the communication relationship between the University and the external environment in order to inform the general public about the educational, scientific and research programs and events that take place within the institution. To fulfill this mission, the Public Relations and Image Promotion Service permanently cooperates with the faculties, subdivisions and centers of the Technical University of Moldova (internal communication), as well as with the institutions that are adjacent to the activity of UTM (external communication).

Head of service


Tel: 079 10 01 76
E-mail: [email protected]

Marketing and Image Section

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Țapu Iana – principal specialist in communication

Dorian Saranciuc – specialist in image and communication


  • Develops and implements strategies to promote theTUM image.
  • Creates the graphic identity of promotion campaigns, planning and implementing strategies to promote the image of TUM,
  • Evaluates the results of the events held with the aim of promoting the TUM image;
  • Analyze and optimize the content of the website to increase its traffic;
  • Develops the internal and external communication strategy for organizing, conducting and promoting events within theTUM;
  • Coordinates activities to update the institution's web pages;
  • Elaboration, coordination, implementation of the external and internal communication strategy of TUM;
  • Ensuring the social responsibility component: organizing events that position the University as a socially responsible institution involved in the community;
  • Conception and coordination of the organization of TUM events (ceremonial events; scientific events; events with a cultural profile; events for students).

Protocol and Public Relations Office

Palamari Daniela– specialist in public relations



  • Maintaining relations with the mass media and evaluating the effectiveness of public relations programs.
  • Establishes and develops the relationship with the mass media: identifies topics of interest within the University, elaborates and sends announcements, invitations or press releases;
  • Accredits journalists for various events organized within the University;
  • Communicates directly or by phone with media representatives to provide additional details or to organize interviews with UTM officials on various topics developed by the press;



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Ilie  Mîrzac – fotograf


Fotografia ocupă un loc foarte important în strategia de comunicare a Universității Tehnice a Moldovei care știe cât de important este acest aspect în relația cu publicul și promovarea imaginii.


    • Realizarea de fotografii la evenimentele organizate de către Universitate Tehnică a Moldovei sau la care participă personalul UTM;
    • Realizarea de albume foto;
    • Arhivarea pozelor.

UTM editorial office

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Marina Romanciuc - Editor UTM
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Diana Vleju – operator in the computerized editorial system

Given the intense development of electronic means of mass information, the editorial office of the UTM "Mesager Universitar" newspaper complied with this generally accepted trend, completely switching from paper format to electronic format, continuing to support the "Ultimele noutatiție ale UTM" column on the website University


  • Develops the process of creating and editing content on the university's web pages.
  • establishes the editorial policy.
  • check the articles before they appear.


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Ilie  Mîrzac – photographer


Photography occupies a very important place in the communication strategy of the Technical University of Moldova, which knows how important this aspect is in the relationship with the public and the promotion of the image.



  • Taking photos at events organized by the Technical University of Moldova or attended by UTM staff;
  • Creating photo albums;
  • Photo archiving.