Head of service


Address: bd. Stefan cel Mare, 168, office 1-107
Tel: +373 69 04 44 09
E-mail: [email protected]


The International Relations Service of the Technical University of Moldova was established by the Order of Rector of Technical University of Moldova (UTM) dated 30.06.2016 and it is an operational structure of UTM, which implements university’s strategy in the field of internationalization and contributes to the consolidation and expansion of international relations, both within the European Union programs and outside them.

The International Relations Service contributes to the promotion and development of the educational and scientific values of UTM by concluding institutional cooperation agreements regarding the integration of UTM, as a partner with equal rights, in the international educational and scientific community and provides the framework for the development of student and staff (academic and research) mobility based on Erasmus+ inter-institutional agreements.

The fundamental mission of the International Relations Service is consistent with the mission of the Technical University of Moldova to expand participation in the international exchange of educational and scientific values, through international cooperation, in order to foster the integration into the European Higher Education Area and the European Research Area through:

  • developing and implementing the internationalization strategy of the university in terms of European and international openness of education and science, as well as promoting externally the values and image of the Technical University of Moldova, and internally, the European values within UTM;
  • supporting UTM activities aimed at fulfilling the strategic internationalization objectives of the university as a renowned higher education and research institution at the national, regional, European and global level;
  • providing institutional and informational support to students, academic and administrative staff regarding international mobility and cooperation;
  • providing institutional and informational support to international students who wish to study at UTM.



International Cooperation Office


Associate professor, PhD., Head of Service

Phone: +373 22 23 54 15;

Email: [email protected], [email protected]


The International Relations Service is subordinated to the UTM Vice-Rector for Finance and International Relations:


Daniela POJAR,

Vice-Rector for Finance and International Relations

Phone: +373 22 23 24 28

Email: [email protected]

International Student Office


Associate professor, PhD.,

Head of Office

Phone: +373 22 23 54 59;

Email: [email protected], [email protected]



International student coordinator

Phone: +373 68135146;

Email: [email protected]

ERASMUS+ University Center


Professor, dr. hab.,

Head of Center

Phone: +373 22 23 37 05;

Email: [email protected], [email protected]


Cristina DIACONU,

International program coordinator, staff mobility

Phone: +373 79100191,

Email: [email protected]


Valentina FRUNZE,

International program coordinator, student mobility

Phone: +373 79100191,

Email: [email protected]

Within the faculties, the international activity is coordinated by the managers in charge with international relations. Please, see here the faculty coordinators of international relations.






Elena GOGOI,


Computers, Informatics and Microelectronics

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 069366752

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and Transport

Food Technology


Associate professor, PhD.

Constructions, Geodesy and Cadastre

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 069072618

Economic Engineering and Business

Urban Planning and Architecture


Associate professor, PhD.


Email: [email protected]

Phone: 069213397

Corina GUȚU-GHETRUȘCA, Lecturer, PhD.

Electronics and Telecommunications

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 069343169

Power and Electrical Engineering


Associate professor, PhD.

Agricultural, Forest and Environmental Sciences

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 069909798

Veterinary Medicine


The training of future specialists, who will work in a multicultural environment, requires a higher education system in which internationalization promotes cultural diversity and cultivates intercultural understanding, respect and tolerance. Namely, the internationalization of university activity contributes to the building of politically and economically competitive strong societies and countries. Internationalization represents an engagement in the process of international solidarity, human security and helps to build a climate of global peace.

The internationalization of university life is an innovative process that, in the interests of ensuring quality in education, seeks and produces changes from national to international. Here we can mention two perspectives: from an institutional point of view, all educational and research activity is located in international dimensions, and from the point of view of teaching staff and students, optimal functioning conditions are created both in the national environment and in the international.

Moreover, the profile of tomorrow’s engineer is determined by international competitiveness, the globalization process and the needs of society. From this point of view, the promotion of international cooperation is one of the priorities of UTM.

The Technical University of Moldova promotes an active and permanent policy of cooperation with universities, scientific centers and other institutions from the EU, CIS, USA and Canada. International cooperation is an important aspect of university life, which contributes to the University’s integration into European and global higher technical education and, at the same time, is a source of funding for education and research.

International cooperation actions are structured, as a rule, within bi- and multilateral collaboration conventions and relate to the initial and continuous training of engineering staff, university research activity, the improvement of specialists from the national economy, the exchange of experience in the field of university management, the use modern training technologies, technical assistance, etc. During the last years, agreements were concluded with research institutions and universities from such countries as France, Spain, Germany, USA, Canada, Romania. UTM maintains traditional collaborative relationships with higher education institutions from the CIS countries, such as Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, etc. practically in all fields of university activity: documentation, development of new courses, teaching of courses to UTM students, participation in international conferences and symposia, defense of doctoral theses and doctoral theses, etc.

In order to intensify participation in international programs, regular meetings are organized with the representatives of the embassies in Chisinau: the German Embassy, ​​the US Embassy, ​​the British Embassy, ​​the French Embassy, ​​the Italian Embassy, ​​the Latvian Embassy, ​​where various aspects of collaboration between UTM and institutions are discussed similar from the mentioned countries.

With the support of the Francophone University Agency, two Francophone branches have been successfully operating at UTM for several years – the Information Technology Branch and the Food Technologies Branch, in which all courses are taught in French by UTM professors or guest professors from French and Canadian universities. Students from the French-speaking branches take advantage of various scholarships and practical internships in France, Canada, Romania. At the Faculty of Computers, Informatics and Microelectronics, the English-speaking branch “Computer software” works.

UTM is a member of international bodies, as follows:

  • BSUN – Network of Black Sea Universities;
  • AUF – University Agency of Francophonie;
  • CRRUFECE – the regional conference of rectors of French-speaking universities in Central and Eastern Europe;
  • EUA – Association of European Universities;
  • DRC – Conference of Rectors of the Danube Basin.

Within the BSUN university network, the Technical University of Moldova maintains collaborative relationships with universities in Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Romania, Russia, Ukraine and Turkey.