Scientific research is the cornerstone of the Technical University of Moldova, exemplifying its commitment to knowledge and innovation. A new milestone has been reached in this area – during a ceremony organized by the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Research (ANACEC), UTM professors were honored with 10 doctoral and habilitation diplomas and 11 certificates granting the right to supervise doctoral studies.
Liliana CEPOI, director of UTM’s Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology, received the habilitation diploma in biological sciences for her dissertation titled “Oxidative Stress in Phycobiotechnology – Mechanisms and Regulation Processes,” a pioneering study in biotechnology and bionanotechnology.
Nine other UTM researchers were awarded doctoral degrees:
- Andrei BRAGARENCO – Doctor in Computer Science, for research in modeling distributed electronic systems.
- Daniela ISTRATI – Doctor in Computer Science, for innovative contributions to production system organization.
- Andrei TÎRON – Doctor in Physical Sciences, for advanced explorations in the physics of crystalline materials.
- Viorica CONDRUC – Doctor in Biological Sciences, for the synthesis of exocellular amylases in fungi.
- Ecaterina MURDID – Doctor in Engineering Sciences, for mathematical models in power systems.
- Dorin GUZGAN – Doctor in Engineering Sciences, for methods to enhance thermoelectric emission.
- Eduard BANARI – Doctor in Engineering Sciences, for developing biofuel for diesel engines.
- Nicolae DARADUDA – Doctor in Engineering Sciences, for research on energy biomass.
- Maria-Liliana MARIAN – Doctor in Economic Sciences, for the management of commercial property in Moldova.
Additionally, 11 UTM professors were granted certificates authorizing them to supervise doctoral studies, recognizing their expertise in applied physics, electronic engineering, food technologies, agronomy, animal husbandry, and economics. These esteemed academics include Marina CIOBANU, Vladimir CIOBANU, Eduard MONAICO, Vasile RACHIER, Vadim CAZAC, Artur BUZDUGAN, Alexei BAERLE, Valerian BALAN, Mariana GODOROJA, Nicolae EREMIA, and Ion ALBU, who continue to uphold the tradition of academic excellence.
These achievements highlight the professionalism and dedication of UTM professors, while also opening doors for involvement in groundbreaking research projects that contribute to the advancement of education and science in the Republic of Moldova.
Heartfelt congratulations! Magna cum laude! Per aspera ad astra!