The UTM Senate Awards for the Academic Year 2022-2023

In its meeting on March 26, 2024, the Senate of the Technical University of Moldova awarded academics who excelled in various didactic and scientific fields during the academic year 2022-2023 and the calendar year 2023. The most dedicated and creative students, doctoral candidates, and professors of UTM were honored with diplomas and awards for their remarkable achievements.

The Best Undergraduate Student” in the academic year 2022-2023:

First Prize and Diploma:

Arina CARAUȘ, CR-212 group (Computer Science and Networks), FCIM;

Second Prize and Diploma:

Maxim COJOCARI-GONCEAR, FAF-213 group (Anglophone Branch), FCIM;

Third Prize and Diploma:

Diana MOROȘAN, D-2106 group (Law), FCGC;

Honorable Mentions:

Viorica NEGHINĂ, ISTGCC-211 group (Engineering of Thermal, Gas, and Air Conditioning Systems for Buildings), FUA;

Daniela NEGUȚA, BA-211 group (Business Administration), FIEB.

The Best Master’s Student” in the academic year 2022-2023:

First Prize and Diploma:

Maxim CHIRIAC, MN-221M group (Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies), FCIM;

Second Prize and Diploma:

Valentina FRUNZE, DDP-211M group (Design and Product Development), FD;

Third Prize and Diploma:

Vladislava NAZARENCO, AA-222M group (Business Administration), FIEB.

The Best Doctoral Student” in the calendar year 2023:

First Prize and Diploma:

Dinu ȚURCANU, TSE (Telecommunications and Electronic Systems), FET;

Second Prize and Diploma:

Cristian LUPAN, MIB (Microelectronics and Biomedical Engineering), FCIM;

Third Prize and Diploma:

Stanislav SLOBODEANU, BPM (Machine Design Fundamentals), FIMIT.

Honorable Mention:

Antonia DUMITRIU, SASP (Food Safety and Public Health), FMV.

Emerging Teaching Activity Award” in the calendar year 2023:

First Prize and Diploma:

Doina-Cezara ALBU, Assistant Professor, IDEI (Engineering, Law, and Property Valuation), FCGC;

Second Prize and Diploma:

Nicolae MAGARIU, Assistant Professor, MIB (Microelectronics and Biomedical Engineering), FCIM;

Third Prize and Diploma:

Mihail BALAN, Assistant Professor, “Foreign Languages,” FTA.

Teaching Activity Award” in the calendar year 2023:

First Prize and Diploma:

Irina COJUHARI, Associate Professor, PhD, ISA (Software Engineering and Automation), FCIM;

Second Prize and Diploma:

Ina GUMENIUC, Associate Professor, PhD, EM (Economics and Management), FIEB;

Third Prize and Diploma:

Angela TĂLĂMBUȚĂ, Associate Professor, PhD, IDEI (Engineering, Law, and Property Valuation), FCGC.

Best Textbook” in the calendar year 2023:

Elements of Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry.” Chișinău, Tehnica-UTM Publishing House, 2023, pg. 255, ISBN 978-9975-45-954-9 (authors: Elena COJUHARI, Associate Professor, PhD; Ana COSTAȘ, Associate Professor, PhD; Ion Leahu, Lecturer, PhD; Elena RUSU, Associate Professor, PhD), Mathematics Department, FIMIT.

Research and Innovation Award” in the calendar year 2023:

First Prize and Diploma:

Oleg LUPAN, Professor, DSc, MIB (Microelectronics and Biomedical Engineering), FCIM;

Second Prize and Diploma:

Ecaterina COVACI, Associate Professor, PhD, “Oenology and Chemistry,” FTA;

Third Prize and Diploma:

Svetlana ALBU, Professor, DSc, IDEI (Engineering, Law, and Property Valuation), FCGC;

Honorable Mentions:

Radu CIOBANU, Associate Professor, PhD;

Oleg CIOBANU, Associate Professor, PhD – BPM (Machine Design Fundamentals), FIMIT.

Best Student in the Fields” in the academic year 2022-2023:

  • technical creativity:

First Prize and Diploma:

Corneliu CEBORATENCO, RM-221 group (Robotics and Mechatronics), FCIM;

Second Prize and Diploma:

Maria MUNTEANU, DDP-221 group (Design and Product Development), FD;

  • creativity in design and arts:

First Prize and Diploma:

Ecaterina GUȚU, DI-202 group (Industrial Design), FD;

  • entrepreneurial and legal creativity:

First Prize and Diploma:

Alex ALCAZ, BA-211 group (Business Administration), FIEB.

Sincere congratulations to the achievers of UTM! Per aspera ad astra!

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