In an increasingly interconnected and digitalized world, the Republic of Moldova aims to become a 100% digital society. On the recent episode of “Public Space”, hosted by Tatiana FIȘER and broadcasted by Radio Moldova, the spotlight fell on the prominent subject of digitalization in Moldova. The show featured two experts in information technology and cybersecurity as guests: Dr. Dinu ȚURCANU, Vice-Rector for Digitalization at the Technical University of Moldova, and Mihai LUPAȘCU, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization, who unveiled the objectives for the upcoming year and discussed the feasibility of transforming Moldova into a fully digital state. In the current context where every aspect of our lives is becoming more deeply integrated into the digital environment, this trajectory is gaining greater importance.
The Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization has set an ambitious goal – “Moldova 100% Digital”. The central theme of the discussion was whether this vision is within reach and what kind of impact it could have on citizens and the country at large.
During the conversation, the guests highlighted the advantages of digitalization in various sectors, ranging from streamlining administrative processes and cutting down queues at service counters to saving time, financial resources, and, notably, combating corruption. An illustrative example was provided – the complete elimination of the traditional report cards at the Technical University of Moldova. Now, all relevant information is accessible digitally from any device.
However, the journey towards digitalization isn’t without its challenges. The guests emphasized the need for professional upskilling of government employees to meet the new demands, ensuring a smooth transition toward a digital society. A particular focus was placed on cybersecurity and the acknowledgement of the importance of continuous retraining and adaptation, in order to keep pace with technological shifts.
The conversation also shed light on how digitalization can simplify citizens’ access to official documents from any device, removing the time-consuming and labor-intensive aspects of traditional administrative procedures. The discussion also looked into digitalization within schools and the necessity to concurrently maintain hard copies of documents at certain stages of the process.
“The journey of Moldova towards a 100% digital society is full of opportunities, but it also presents complex challenges”, concluded the Vice-Rector of UTM, Dr. Dinu ȚURCANU. The guest noted that to achieve the goal of “Moldova 100% Digital,” it is crucial to invest in developing digital skills, not only in the IT sector, but also in other fields, such as telemedicine, journalism, and public authorities. Continuing education and adaptability to technological changes become essential in this evolution. Thus, a comprehensive perspective on digitalization in Moldova was provided, including both its benefits and the challenges involved.
Collective commitment, strategic investments, continuing education, and meticulous management of the digitalization process will aid the country to successfully transition and, consequently, gain significant benefits for its citizens and contribute to sustainable development in the digital era.