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FEIE: public lessons in partnership with ANRE

The first year students of the Faculty of Power and Electrical Engineering recently benefited from two public online lessons for the discipline “Initiation in the specialty”, in which specialists from the National Agency for Energy Regulation introduced them to various aspects of the chosen specialty and the main energy service companies in the country.

During the lesson on “Thermal energy system of the Republic of Moldova”, Vasile LEU, head of the Department of Thermal Energy and Cogeneration Investments, Department of Natural Gas and Thermal Energy, National Agency for Energy Regulation, explained to the students what is a thermal energy supply system, what is its structure, the sources of thermal energy production, their capacities, but also the main centralized thermal energy systems in the country. He came up with historical data, details about the current state and prospects for the development of centralized thermal energy systems.

Adrian GORODENCO, head of the Energy Supervision Department, National Agency for Energy Regulation, presented a public lesson on “Electricity system of the Republic of Moldova”. The students were familiarized with the country’s electricity supply system: its structure, operating regimes, the main enterprises on the electricity market.

The students welcomed the initiative of assoc. prof., Dr. Viorica HLUSOV, Head of the Department of Power Engineering, FEIE, to invite specialist-practitioners to the lessons and expressed gratitude for the interesting and useful information provided.

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