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Online Scientific Conferences for teacher-student communication

Besides successfully carrying out online lessons, projects and assessments, UTM managed to coordinate the traditional Technical-scientific Conference of the Bachelor, Masters’ and PhD students of UTM, remotely. The section “Design and polygraphic technologies” made an excellent impression due to active participation, critical thinking, analytical spirit, a wide variety of topics addressed, but also by the diversity of digital tools used.

Guided by the associate professor, Dr. Viorica CAZAC and lect. Lucia ADASCALIȚA, the session was conducted via Skype. For their presentations, the students used various digital tools: Animoto, Calaméo, Canvas, and more cloud-based video creation services for producing videos from different images/photos or for operative creation of interactive presentations on the Internet. These applications offered the benefit of an interactive dialogue, with presentations worthy of the topics addressed, the highlights of the conference being the works of Valeria POLERCĂ, Ecaterina ARNAUT, Iulia COLESNIC, Silvia TURCHIN, Ana-Maria COLUN, Iulia PERJU (gr. DTP-181), Ion EFROS, Ana-Lucia SECRIERU (gr. DTP-171), Daniela IFTODI, Nicoleta VASILIEV, Daniela MARDARI, Daniela COTOROBAI, Diana MUSTEAȚA, Anastasia DANILOV (gr. DTP-191).

Some of the works focused on the analysis of book graphics of the masters Ilie Bogdesco (“Ilie Bogdesco – promoter of the book graphics”, author: Silvia TURCHIN, coord.: associate professor, Dr. Viorica CAZAC), Alexei Colâbneac (“Book graphics for children in the vision of Alexei Colâbneac”, author: Ana-Maria COLUN, coord.: Dr. Viorica CAZAC); the analysis of the photographic material captured by the master Mihai Potârniche (“Mihai Potârniche – the master of artistic valency in photography”, author: Iulia PERJU, coord.: associate professor, Dr. Viorica CAZAC); multicriteria analysis of postage stamps; comparative analysis of the quality characteristics of offset and digital printing (“Analysis of the constructive and aesthetic aspects of sugar packaging in the context of sustainability”, author: Daniela COTOROBAI, coord.: lecturer Lucia ADASCALIȚA; “Particularities in representation of theatrical posters from Basarabia”, author Daniela MARDARI, coord.: Dr. Viorica CAZAC; “The diversity of labels of moldovian wines through the implication of finishing processes”, authors: Ion EFROS, Ana-Lucia SECRIERU, coord: lect. Lucia ADASCALIȚA).

For some of the works, the students and their teachers went to the National Library, where they picked up and scanned the book editions involved in the analysis. Some were accompanied to the printing houses, where they requested access to collections of printed editions. In addition, the teachers provided the students with a list of all necessary tools and tutorials, the students now being able to learn the digital tools used.

The teachers set an example through their own personal writings and presentations of personal papers at the conference, in the position of both teachers – “Satire and humor in the graphic solution of typographic products” (author: lect. Lucia ADASCALIȚA, coord.: Dr. Viorica CAZAC), and doctoral students – “Periodical editions and humorous-satirical associations within the Republic of Moldova” (author: Dr. Lucia ADASCALIȚA, coord.: Dr. Constantin SPÂNU).

The DTP teachers worked side by side with their students, motivating and supporting them so that their joint effort would be successful, this being the main task of a teacher – to be fully involved in the formation of his disciples.

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