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Studii de master în Uniunea Europeană



Ecole Centrale de Nantes, Franța, anunța admiterea la Programul de master Erasmus Mundus EMARO+ „Master European în Robotică Avansată+”.

EMARO+, program de master integrat, reprezintă oferta academică a unui consorțiu din patru universități din UE: Ecole Centrale de Nantes, Franța, Universitatea Tehnică din Varșovia, Polonia, Universitatea din Genova, Italia și Universitatea Jaume I, Spania.

Scopul programului este de a promova oferta educațională de calitate în domeniul roboticii avansate inteligente cu participarea cadrelor didactice cu experiență și a experților din industrie.

EMARO+ deține semnul distinctiv de excelență Erasmus Mundus, de aceea cei mai buni candidați la studii vor beneficia de bursă deplină, care va acoperi taxa de studii, cheltuielile de călătorie, cazare și asigurare.

Programul este adresat absolvenților sau studenților de la Licență, care vor absolvi Universitatea către 31 iulie 2016 și efectuează studii în domeniile legate de robotică:

– Mecatronică, Control automat,

– Inginerie electrică,

– Inginerie mecanică, Ingineria sistemelor,

– Matematică aplicată și Calculatoare.


Erasmus Mundus Master programme EMARO+

The call for applications to the Erasmus Mundus Master programme EMARO+ is now open !

1/ What is EMARO+ ?

The Masters course EMARO+ has been designed and accepted in the framework of the very selective European Union programme of Excellence Erasmus Mundus 2014-2019. The aim of the course is to promote a high quality educational offer in the area of advanced and intelligent robotics, taught by the best academic specialists and industrial experts.

2/ Who are the partners ?

EMARO+ is an integrated Master course conducted by: Ecole Centrale de Nantes (France) coordinator, Warsaw University of Technology (Poland), University of Genoa (Italy), and Jaume I University (Spain).

It has 7 associated partners: two Asian Institutions (KEIO University – Japan, SJTU – China) and five industrial partners (IRT Jules Verne – France, Airbus Group Innovations – France, BA Systemes – France, Robotnik – Spain, and SIIT – Italy).

3/ Outcomes

Students will obtain two master degrees from the Top European institutions where they studied.

Students may take the master as a professional terminal degree, or join PhD programmes afterwards.

4/ Tuition fees

European Union students : €4,500 per year.

Non-European Union students : €9,000 per year.

5/ Scholarships

As EMARO+ holds the Erasmus Mundus label of excellence, the higher ranked students (after eligibility check and academic selection) can beneficiate from a full scholarship to join the Master programme, covering tuition fees, travel costs, living costs and insurance.

6/ Admission requirements

Open to students who already hold a first university degree with the equivalent of 180 ECTS credits in the European system, after at least three years studies, at the level of Bachelor of Science, in a field related to robotics such as:

Mechatronic, Automatic control,

– Electrical Engineering,

– Mechanical Engineering, System Engineering,

– Applied Mathematics and Computer Science.

The graduation must take place before 31 July for non European students and before 30 September for European students.

The applicants have to be fluent in English, both in writing and speaking. An applicant whose native language is not English is required to pass a recognized international English test such as:

– TOEFL (score 220 CBT, 550 PBT, 80 IBT),

– Cambridge Advanced English Test (score B or higher),

– IELTS (score 6.5 or higher),

– TOEIC (800).

No other test is recognized.

Applicants who carried out their studies in English (official confirmation letter from their university is needed) are eligible without providing such a test, but providing the results of a recognized international test can add value to their application.

7/ Precisions about requested background

That said, an ideal background for Emaro+ would typically include some mechanics (particularly dynamics), some control and enough experience in computer programming (preferably C++). Applicants very rarely have all of these topics fully covered. It’s not much of a problem to be lacking in one of them. Lacks in two of them becomes more of a concern. Lacking is three would be more or less hopeless. Of course, a fairly solid base in mathematics is assumed, and lacks in this area are serious. This gives you an idea of what evaluators look at when checking the relevance of background to Emaro+.

For more details about the courses, the eligibility rules, etc. please check the official website :

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