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Kick-off meeting in Chisinau, Moldova


Between 10 and 11 December 2015,  at the Tiraspol State University, in Chisinau, Moldova, the Erasmus + Project “Creating Moldovan E-network for Promoting e-teaching in the Continuing Professional Education (TEACH-ME)” was launched. The project is coordinated by Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM).

The main objectives of the the two-day event were to

  • Provide an overview of the program;
  • Introduce the team members to each other;
  • Model how the team is going to work together to support the project;
  • Build a long-lasting network for the TEACH ME project.

The event was attended by: prof. dr. Ion Şişcanu, Deputy Minister of Education;
Fabien Schaeffer, representative of the EU Delegation in Moldova; dr. Andrei Chiciuc, president of ANACIP; Virginia Revenco, coordinator of the National Office Erasmus + in Moldova; rectors, vice-rectors, professors, students and others.

Agenda kickoff meeting TEACH-ME 10 dec 2015



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